Active Layers

Opacity : 50%

Nashville Council

Percent of total population below poverty level
5.2% - 7.9%
8% - 10.2%
10.3% - 14.6%
14.7% - 16.8%
16.9% - 21.3%
21.4% - 27.7%
Percent of population aged 65 years and over below the poverty level
Total of foreign-born population
Total of population speaking a language other than English at home
Total of population aged 3 years and over enrolled in school
Percent of population aged 3 years and over enrolled in public school
Percent of population using public transportation (exclude taxi)
Percent of population spending 45 minutes or more commuting to work
Percent of population working outside county of residence
Median earnings for workers (dollars)
Total housing units
Median owner housing values (dollars)
Monthly owner costs as percent of household income: 35% or more
Median monthly mortgage payment (dollars)
Rent paid as a percent of household income: 35% or more
Median monthly rental payment (dollars)
Percent of population aged 65 years and over
Percent of Black or African American population
Percent of Hispanic or Latino (of any race) population
Percent of the population who lived in same house one year ago
Percent of population with education below a high school degree level
Percent of population aged 65 and over with a disability
Percent of female householder (no spouse/partner present) with own children under 18 years
Percent of the popluation in healthcare support occupations
Unemployment rate among the population aged 16 and over
Median household income (dollars)
Per capita income(dollars)
Mean household retirement income(dollars)